Update from Vivian Root’s son Howard
Mother’s health is frail and with little eyesight but her mind is still amazingly sharp and she looks back on her days at Coker as some of her best. Clearly recalling many names of classmates, roommates and professors.
Her twin sister, Virginia, is still alive and attended Coker for two years, 1936 and 1937 before heading on to Duke University to pursue her career in nursing.
After Coker my mother went on to teach in several towns in South Carolina before marrying and moving north. She returned to teaching some years later and furthered her education obtaining a masters degree in education all while working full time and dealing with family.
Some years after retirement Vivian required a stay in a nursing facility, the result of one too many falls while living on her own. After a short time there she decided that life in a nursing home was not for her so she moved in with us, son Howard, daughter in law Susan and grandson Colton where we have cared for her over 12 years now.
Vivian has enjoyed living with family, talking with her siblings and son Douglas on the phone, visiting with her close in-law family, sitting in the sun, listening to old time radio programs, reciting many of her original poems and basking in the warmth of her beloved pellet stove during the long New England winters. One benefit of being adopted by the North was her acquired fondness of the Boston Red Sox which she enjoys hearing on the TV. She is especially fond of telling any visitor that both she and her twin, Virginia, “are still on planet earth”. Virginia lives in Tucson, AZ where her son Warren lives nearby. Retired after many years as an RN proudly serving with staff at a Veterans Hospital in Prescott, AZ.
Always interested in hearing any news from “home” aka Society Hill and that of her long time residence city Worcester and her teaching town of Grafton Vivian can recall many details of each. Mother has an uncanny ability to recall many of her student’s names and occasionally even those of their siblings and parents.
Vivian recently was presented with the “Boston Post Cane” which is an honor given to the oldest resident of our town. This is further detailed in the attached article which I wrote for the local paper and historical society newsletter. Also attached are a few related photos and a photo showing she stills retains her long hair which she has maintained all of her life. Damn good hair, still with some color, for a person in their 100th year of existence!